LPW Technology are delighted to announce a partnership with Riverside College which will ensure that engineering students of the future will have developed the necessary skills and awareness to secure successful careers using the innovative technology within the Additive Manufacturing (AM) industry.
LPW is a market leader in the AM industry and is widely recognised for quality and experience. Riverside College will be tapping into this depth of knowledge and experience by working with LPW to help shape their engineering course curriculum, which will help enhance training provided in the College’s new £3.6M Engineering and Construction Centre at their Kingsway Campus. The new Centre provides training in traditional engineering methods as well as the emerging new technologies including Additive Manufacturing. Halton Borough plays a key role to encourage innovative Engineering and Construction companies to the North West region and as a result Riverside College has seen a steady rise in numbers looking to enroll on their engineering courses and was ranked the nation’s top performing College in vocational training league tables published by the Department for Education earlier this year.
With this in mind LPW are taking a group of 40 Riverside College engineering students to the TCT event in Birmingham, the UK’s largest AM event, where they will take part in the ‘Inspired Minds’ project. This will include a two hour workshop, to give the students first-hand experience of CAD and AM technologies in a workshop environment, offering a more hands-on approach to AM.
LPW Managing Director, Dr Phil Carroll said “LPW are looking forward to seeing an emergence of prospective engineering apprentices in the Halton area. With the rapid growth we are experiencing, it is important to continue building the good working relationship currently in place with Riverside College”
Riverside College Head of Skills and Enterprise, Jayne Smith said “There has been a rapid expansion of demand for innovation and new technology skills by local employers. It will be invaluable having a prestigious company as LPW to help us shape the curriculum to ensure our students increase their employability opportunities by providing them with the skills employers need.”