Online learning: Powder Handling and Flow for Additive Manufacturing
Join us July 13th-17th for the remote delivery of the popular short course "Powder Handling and Flow for Additive Manufacturing" delivered in conjunction with the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology and Fraunhofer IFAM Institute. The aim of the course is to guide additive users through the critical aspects of powder handling and management and to provide solutions to the common barriers faced in the industry.
Joining a team of world-leading experts, our very own, Dr. Neil Harrison, Materials Development Manager, will be presenting on both Powder Management and Maintenance of Quality, and Powder Evolution.
The course begins each day at 9.30am BST and has built-in coffee break sessions for informal discussions amongst participants and presenters. The course content is as follows:
Metal and Plastic Powders in the AM Process:
- Recycle and quality issues
- Contamination and Oxidation issues
- Standard for AM powders
- Key H&S issues
Basic Introduction to Handling Processes
- Hoppers for storage and discharge; flow patterns, principle of reliable flow
- Powder flow properties
- Pneumatic conveying; key components, features and operating issues
- Fluidization
Characterisation and Control of Powder Properties
- Powder flowability/spreadability measurements
- Environmental effects
- Density measurements and particle morphology
- Powder evolution and quality loss
Quality Considerations
- Sampling
- Control of flow properties
- Segregation in processes
- Particle aggregation
- Powder electrostatics
- Particle degradation
To find out more and to register for the course, visit the Wolfson website.